UCD Impact Case Study Competition




The 2025 competition is now open. To enter, please complete the Research Impact Case Study Template and return it to casestudy.competition@ucd.ie before 27 June 2025 at 5pm.


The Research Impact Case Study Competition celebrates the many ways that research at UCD makes a difference in the world. We encourage all researchers, regardless of discipline, to consider entering.

This competition offers researchers at UCD an opportunity to develop a short case study, highlighting the impact of their research to an external, non-specialist audience. The winning case studies from previous years can be seen here.

An additional "Engaged Research impact prize" will be awarded to the finalist whose case study best embodied the principles of Engaged Research.

Visit this page to learn about the various supports we have to help you pull together your entry. In particular, we strongly encourage you to visit our Impact Toolkit, which includes a dedicated section on how to write an impact case study. For more information about the competition, please contact casestudy.competition@ucd.ie.

The importance of impact

Research can make a meaningful difference in the world, with potential impacts across all aspects of society. To plan, capture, communicate and monitor impact, you need to think carefully about the various ways people can benefit from your research. This is more important than ever, as major funding bodies around the world now consider impact a fundamental aspect of almost all research programmes.


Tools and resources to help you plan, capture, communicate and monitor your #ResearchImpact are available in our Research Impact Toolkit.