- 3 October: Miguel Carvalho, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Internal Medicine - Immune Mediated Trombocytopenia (IMTP): A Clinical Case
- 10 October: Irene Marirrodriga Larrocha, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Surgery - Management of an open fracture: A case-based approach
- 24 October: Mafalda Gomes, UCDVH Intern in Farm Animal Clinical Studies - Investigation of Recumbency in an Alpaca Cria
- 31 October: Ana Margarida Rodrigues, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Medicine - Leptospirosis and IMHA in a Hungarian Vizsla
- 7 November: Julia Ivars Martinez, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Medical management of hepatic encephalopathy secondary to a congenital portosystemic shunt
- 14 November: Jennifer Dillon & Ellen O'Donovan, MVB Students - Tissue Histology Based on Autofluorescence: Exploring The Prowess of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
- 21 November: Jose Antonio Fuentes Rodríguez, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Weight loss in senior cats: beyond feline hyperthyroidism
- 23 January: Christos Kalyvas, UCDVH Intern In Equine Clinical Studies - Unilateral Polydactyly in a Filly
- 30 January: Michael McGinley, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Pale as a ghost: Differentiation of acute anaemias
- 6 February: Julia Molins Torrades, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Approach to feline blood transfusions
- 13 February: João Pedro Leocádio, UCDVH Intern In Small Animal Anaesthesia - The use of pain scales to assess pain in a hospital population
- 20 February: Elena Rappa, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Orthopaedic vs Neurologic Lameness in the Dog
- 27 February: Aisling Judge, UCDVH Anaesthesia Veterinary Nurse - Anaesthesia of brachycephalic patients in practice...Never just your "routine" case...
- 5 March: Jesús Moreno, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- 16 April: Laura Del Rio, University of Murcia - Ovine chlamydiosis, from immunopathogenesis to vaccine development
Dean's Lunchtime Clinical Club
The Dean's Clinical Club is a series of talks which take place at lunchtime on Tuesdays during term. The sessions are aimed at pre-clinical students from the Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Nursing programmes, but all students are welcome to attend. The talks are case-based, with a focus on the clinical work taking place in the UCD Veterinary Hospital and a number of sessions also highlight student research taking place in the School.
For more information on the Clinical Club please contact Helen Graham, Communications Manager on (opens in a new window)helen.a.graham@ucd.ie
Dean's Lunchtime Clinical Club 2024/2025
- 1 October: Marie-Pauline Maurin, Associate Professor in Small Animal Surgery - Canine Hip Dysplasia: A practical guide for diagnosis and a range of treatment options
- 8 October: Santiago Garcia, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Understanding Acute Kidney Injury: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
- 15 October: Shaz Raja, Visiting Researcher / Medical Student - Towards understanding the myotendinous interface using advanced light microscopy
- 22 October: Maribel Navarro Espín, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Internal Medicine - Understanding Feline Idiopathic Cystitis: What we know and what remains a mystery?
- 29 October: Ignacio Saez Martinez, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Dealing with the dyspnoeic cat: a breathtaking emergency!
- 5 November: Javier Ramos Pozo, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Open wounds: healing and clinical management
- 12 November: Aaron Kopydlowski, Stage IV Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Entry) Student - Designing of surface-functionalized therapeutic nanoparticles with enhanced mucopermeation: An in silico approach
- 19 November: Anna Halka, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Constipation and megacolon in a feline patient - causes, diagnosis and treatment
- 28 January: Jesus Nieto Moreno, UCDVH Intern In Small Animal Anaesthesia - Post-Cardiac Arrest Care
- 4 February: Manuela Giannetti, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Common arrhythmias in small animals undergoing general anaesthesia
- 4 October: Imola Toth, UCDVH Intern in Anaesthesia - Heat loss during anaesthesia: perioperative complications, prevention and management
- 11 October: Eimear Byrne & Alison Reynolds - Student Summer Research Projects
- 18 October: Eva Stavroulaki, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Medicine - Functional Adrenal Tumor in a Dog
- 25 October: Irene Marirrodriga, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Lung lobe torsion, in relation to a clinical case
- 1 November: Finnian Logan, ECBHM Resident - An Investigation into a Herd with High Incidence of LDA last Spring
- 8 November: Charlie Neill, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - POCUS - Point of Care Ultrasound
- 15 November: Amy Rand & Fara Marin (Stage 3 MVB Graduate Entry Students) - Fearfulness responses of Thoroughbred broodmares to a novel object / Using Qualitative Behavioural Assessment to Evaluate Mouse Behaviour as an Indicator of Chronic versus Acute Pain
- 22 November: Roman Soto Munoz, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Surgery - Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury and Hip Dysplasia in a 2yo Cane Corso dog
- 29 November: Carolyn Cummins, VDS Membership Liaison Advisor & Sophie Lawson, VDS Claims Advisor - The Blame Game - Learning from Mistakes & The Pitfalls in Veterinary Practice (and how to avoid them)
- 31 January: Rebecca Carroll & Mícheál Casey (DAFM) / Kieran Beirne & Aaron Galligan (MVB Students) - Summer Internships in the Dept of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM)
- 7 February: Chiara Cipollini, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Pain Assessment in Dogs and Cats
- 14 February: Cristina Ortega, UCDVH Intern in Small Animal Surgery - Mammary Gland Tumors: what you need to know about them
- 21 February: Maria Rui Oliveira, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Shock: Recognition and Initial Management
- 28 February: Maria Papathanasiou, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)
- 7 March: Theo Bairamis, UCDVH Small Animal Rotating Intern - What's wrong with the yellow puppy?
- 12 October - Mycoplasma haemolamae in an Irish Alpaca
- 19 October - Student Summer Research Projects
- 26 October - Tail pull injury in cats: From neurological examination to surgical procedure
- 9 November - Epidurals: when, how and why?
- 16 November - Diabetes mellitus in dogs: From diagnosis to management
- 23 November - How to Save a Life: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- 25 January - Summer Student Research
- 1 February - Primary Hyperparathyroidism in a Dog
- 8 February - Mast Cell Tumor Case in a Dog
- 15 February - Opioid Use in General Practice
- 22 February - Emergency Approach in a Patient with Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- 1 March - The Bee's Knees - Disorders of the canine and feline stifle
- 30 March - Thyroid Carcinoma
- 2 March - Coco - the adrenal crisis
- 23 February - Mammary gland tumors, what you need to know about them
- 16 February - Hypoglycaemia and a Case of Insulinoma
- 9 February - Canine mast cell tumour: An interesting case
- 2 February - Immune-mediated Neutropaenia (IMN)
- 1 December - Hernia Classification and Management
- 17 November - Medicine for the Geriatric Cat
- 10 November - General anaesthesia for a dental procedure