Alithre idan inmain
An electronic edition
Responsibility for document creation and encoding:
Creation of machine-readable text by:
Patricia Kelly
Proofed by:
Patricia Kelly
Header creation and mark-up by:
Patricia Kelly
Extent of text: 130 words [947 bytes]
Printed source of this electronic edition
A Medley of Irish Texts, ed. Kuno Meyer, Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 3 (1907) 321
Manuscript source of printed text
British Library Ms Additional 30,512, fol. 22a1
Published by:
Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae,University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
Project funder: Professor Marianne McDonald (University of California, San Diego) via the Ireland Funds.
Date: Final mark-up completed, 2009-05-13
Text ID: km.acl.3.016
Available only for academic teaching and research
provided that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed.
This edition may not be reproduced or used elsewhere without the explicit
permission of the TLH project. For enquiries, please contact us.
Due to current browser limitations, certain characters in printed editions may not always be similarly displayed in the electronic
version. In such cases, the following representations have been chosen for display purposes:
- characters with punctum delens indicating lenition (this applies to f and s) are displayed with following h and underlining: thus fh and sh. The same convention is also used where a punctum occurs over m and n to indicate nasalisation. Thus mh and nh
- insular ampersand (‘Tironian et’) is displayed as &
- the Latin abbreviation for vel is displayed as nó
Encoding principles:
TLH has not made any corrections to the text of the printed edition.
This text has not been normalised.
Quotation marks enclosing direct speech, whether single or double in the printed source, are displayed as single quotation
marks. The same device is also used where direct speech and quotations have not been explicitly marked by the editor.
No end-of-line hyphenation occurs.
© 2009 Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae (UCD)