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Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology
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Postgraduate students based in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology

Robin Flynn
Commenced MSc in September 2004.
Qualification: BSc, 2004
Research Project:
Immunomodulation in F.hepatica infection.

Maciej Kozlowski
Commenced MVM in the 2003/2004 academic session.
Graduate of Warsaw Agricultural University, Veterinary Science Faculty.
Research Project:
Development of on-farm control measures for the reduction of Salmonellosis in slaughter pigs.

Celine Mannion
Commenced MVM in the 2003/2004 academic session.
Qualification: MVB, 1999
Research Project:
Salmonella control on pig farms.

Thomas Patten
Commenced MSc in September 2003
Qualification: BSc (Hons) Biology, NUI Maynooth
Research Project:
Anthelmintic resistance and gastrointestinal parasite control prectices in sheep in Ireland.


Postdoctoral Researcher based in the Department

Annetta Zintl, BSc, PhD, Dipl. Statistics
Postdoctoral research fellow in the Dept for Veterinary Microbiology & Parasitology, UCD under Dr Grace Mulcahy.

Research Project: 
What determines the outcome of pregnancy in Neospora caninum infected cattle?