Links and Resources
This page contains links to projects and resources external to TLH. The list below is not complete and should be considered a work in progress, with new links being added on a regular basis as the site is continually updated. To suggest any further relevant links, or to report any obsolete or broken links, please e-mail us.
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Digital Text Projects:
- CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts based at University College Cork.
- The Celtic Digital Initiative, a project by Kevin Murray and Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh of UCC providing PDF files of rare material, editions of texts from early Celtic Studies periodicals, scholarly articles and digital images of interest to Celticists.
- Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources, an integrated database and dictionary project, designed to contribute to the fields of Patristic, Medieval, Celtic, and Latin studies by compiling and publishing suitable scholarly works, both in electronic and in conventional media. See also the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature database at Brepols. Visitors must login to view the texts.
Digital Imaging Projects:
- ISOS (Irish Script on Screen), provides detailed digital images of selected Irish MSS from several important collections, including the libraries of the Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and others. Visitors must register an account in order to view the largest images. Irish and English versions of the site are offered.
- Early Manuscripts at Oxford University, digital facsimiles of complete MSS, scanned directly from the originals. The most important Irish MSS in the Bodleian Library Laud and Rawlinson collections are also included.
Resources for Irish Studies:
- The American Conference for Irish Studies, a multidisciplinary scholarly organisation with members in the United States, Ireland, Canada, and elsewhere.
- Early Irish Glossaries Database, a database of headwords from Cormac’s Glossary, O’Mulconry’s Glossary and the Dúil Dromma Cett, by Paul Russell and Pádraic Moran at the University of Cambridge.
- Gaeilge ar an Ghréasán, extensive collection of links of Irish interest at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Colaiste Ghàidhlig na h-Alba. Links to resources for Early Irish are also offered.
- The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, an international association of students, teachers, scholars, and enthusiasts of Irish literature in English and in Irish.
- Peritia, Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland.
- The Royal Irish Academy, includes a partial catalogue of the MSS in the Academy library.
- The School of Celtic Studies at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
New Resources:
- Irish Resources in the Humanities, a gateway to sites on the world wide web that contain substantial content in the various disciplines of the humanities in the area of Irish Studies. An excellent hub of valuable resources. Directed by Dr Susan Schreibman at the University of Maryland.
- The Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive Project, hosted by University College Dublin.
- Louvain 400, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Franciscan college of St Anthony at Louvain (1607-2007).
- eDIL, the electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language. The complete contents of the Royal Irish Academy’s Dictionary, now available online.
- LRC, the Linguistics Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
Page last modified on September 11, 111
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