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Irish Polling Indicator

Irish Polling Indicator graph screenshot from its website

The Irish Polling Indicator

The Irish Polling Indicator, established in 2014, combines all Irish opinion polls for the Dáil Éireann into a single daily estimate of public support for the parties since 1987. These estimates are continuously updated following the release of new polls. An additional component, the Irish Demographic Polling Datasets, offers insights into Irish citizens’ voting intentions, satisfaction with the government, and approval ratings of party leaders. The data encompass the full set of respondents as well as various sub-samples, including age groups, gender, region, and social class. The projects were financially supported by the Strategic Funding Scheme of the UCD College of Social Sciences and Law. This comprehensive polling analysis provides invaluable insights for politicians, researchers, and the general public, helping to understand trends in public opinion and electoral dynamics in Ireland.

Websites for both projects feature a range of interactive graphs and detailed explanations of the methodologies used. Estimates from the Irish Polling Indicator have been reported by the Irish Times, RTÉ News, The Sunday Times, and the Business Post, among others.

Project Principal Investigator

Stefan Muller Profile Picture

Dr Stefan Müller

Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow), School of Politics and International Relations

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Contact the Centre for Democracy Research

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: cdr@ucd.ie