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Conference on Election Campaigns and Democratic Norms

December 12-13th, 2023

Kate Dommett presenting at the conference on Election campaigns and democratic norms

Conference on Election Campaigns and Democratic Norms

The event took place at the National University of Ireland in Dublin. 

Over the last decade or more, election campaigns have been changing. The availability of big data and the tools of social media are increasingly shaping how campaigns are run, while the emergence of new electoral challengers in many democratic systems has altered the strategic nature and communicative content of contemporary campaigns. This conference brought together empirical and normative scholars working on election campaigns, with a particular focus on the relationship between contemporary campaigns and democratic norms.

Conference Presenters:

Rachel Gibson (University of Manchester
Kate Dommett (University of Sheffield)
Sarah Birch (King's College London)
Eric Beerbohm (Harvard University)
Emilee Booth Chapman (Stanford University)
Thomas Zeitzoff (American University)
Biko Koenig (Franklin and Marshall College)
Jürgen Maier (Kaiserslautern University of Technology)
Vincente Valentim (University of Oxford)
Annemarie Walter (University of Nottingham)
Stefan Müller (University College Dublin)
Joseph Lacey (University College Dublin)

Contact the Centre for Democracy Research

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: cdr@ucd.ie