Published Texts
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Franciscan A manuscripts | diplomatic editions | Archiv für celtische Lexikographie | Éigse | Ériu | Études Celtiques | Folklore | Gaelic Journal | Irish Texts | Modern Philology | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America | Revue Celtique | Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie | Hibernica Minora | Miscellany Presented to Kuno Meyer | Three Irish Glossaries
1. Franciscan A manuscripts, UCD
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Ciaran Saigre cecinit | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Eulalie de Shaftesbury et le Rosaire | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Rule of Clerical Life | Header | Text | XML | |||
Saint Moling et le Lépreux | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Le Miracle du Décapité | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Ein König muss zehn ständige Begleiter haben | Header | Text | XML | |||
The Uí Chorras Jester | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Wehe dem Geizigen! | Header | Text | XML | |||
A Prayer for Tears | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Ermahnung den Leib zu kasteien | Header | Text | XML | |||
A Poem on the Day of Judgement | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Poem on the Observance of Sunday | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Ri rinn | Header | Text | XML | |||
Danklied eines Schwerkranken | Header | Text | XML | |||
An Crinoc | Header | Text | XML | |||
Injustice will not Prosper For Ever | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
On the Ghost of Mac Maguire | Header | Text | XML | |||
On Prayer for the Dead (=On the Ghost of Mac Maguire) | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
2. Diplomatic editions / original TLH editions
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
[Airne Fíngein] | Header | Text | XML | |||
[Echtra Loegairi meic Crimthainn] | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Aislingi Oengusai | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
[Aislinge Meic Conglinne] | Header | Text | XML |
3. Republished from early books and periodicals
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Gedicht auf Oengus ![]() |
Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Sieben Seelenmessen befreien aus der Hölle | Header | Text | XML | |||
Furcht und Ekel vor dem Tode | Header | Text | XML | |||
Cainnech’s Hymnus auf Colum Cille | Header | Text | XML | |||
Colum Cille’s Lobgesang auf Cainnech | Header | Text | XML | |||
Ein Reisesegen | Header | Text | XML | |||
Wehe dem Geizigen! | Header | Text | XML | |||
Bitte um Vergebung der Sünden | Header | Text | XML | |||
Ein König muss zehn ständige Begleiter haben | Header | Text | XML | |||
Zwei Gebete des Máel-Ísu hua Brolchain (I) | Header | Text | XML | |||
Zwei Gebete des Máel-Ísu hua Brolchain (II) | Header | Text | XML | |||
Eine Weissagung Colum Cilles | Header | Text | XML | |||
An Old Irish Poem on St. Patrick | Header | Text | XML | |||
A Middle Irish Poem on Eogan Bél | Header | Text | XML | |||
A Poem on Aed mac Domnaill úa Néill of Ailech | Header | Text | XML | |||
Alithre idan inmain ![]() |
Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
On Prayer for the Dead | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Uí Chorras Jester | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Prayer for Tears | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Injustice will not Prosper For Ever | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Colman mac Duach and Guaire | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Five Munsters | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Cormacs Rule | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Prayer to the Archangels for each Day of the Week | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Graves of the Kings at Clonmacnois | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Cath Boinde | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Fragment of Old Irish | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
A Poem on the Day of Judgement | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Poem on the Observance of Sunday | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Colum Cille cecinit ![]() |
Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Settling of the Manor of Tara | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Beheading of John the Baptist by Mog Ruith | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Two Deaths | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A New Version of the Battle of Mag Rath | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
A Prayer to Christ for Help | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Three Wishes | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The March Roll of the Men of Leinster | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Why Mongán was Deprived of Noble Issue | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Battle of Airtech [H] | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Battle of Airtech [L] | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Sén dollotar Ulaid | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Ri rinn | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Saga of Fergus mac Léti | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Le Miracle du Décapité | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Saint Moling et le Lépreux | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Eulalie de Shaftesbury et le Rosaire | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Bodleian Dinnshenchas | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Inmael and Inecen | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Sgél ingnadh and so for Maelosdan | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Mothers Lament at the Slaughter of the Innocents | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Colum Cille in Arann | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Manach cráibthech | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Baithin mac Brenainn ocus Colam Cille | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Taibret duit a coibsena | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Regula Mochuta Rathin | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Cormac and the geilti glinni | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Invasion of Nemed ![]() |
Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Monastery of Tallaght | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Death of Mac Con | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
A Note about Fiacha Muillethan | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Uath Beinne Etair | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindshenchas (I) | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindshenchas (II) | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindshenchas (III) | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindshenchas (IV) | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Coirpre Crom and Maelsechlainns Soul | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Coirpre Crom and S. Ciaran | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Colman mac Duach and Guaire | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Ten Domestic Animals | Header | Text | XML | |||
The First Division of Ireland | Header | Text | XML | |||
Fingala Clainde Cerbaill | Header | Text | XML | |||
The Graves of the Apostles | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Táin Bó Fráich | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Danklied eines Schwerkranken | Header | Text | XML | |||
Ermahnung den Leib zu kasteien | Header | Text | XML | |||
An Crinoc | Header | Text | XML | |||
Zeichen des Alters | Header | Text | XML | |||
Schreiberbitte | Header | Text | XML | |||
Mac Coissi cecinit | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Mad bagach, as mibladach | Header | Text | XML | |||
Cid maith áine is irnaigthe | Header | Text | XML | |||
Aided Bresail | Header | Text | XML | |||
Crechán und Cianóg | Header | Text | XML | |||
Die Welt verschlimmert sich | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Mochutta .cc. | Header | Text | XML | |||
Bec mac Dé | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Ciaran Saigre cecinit | Header | Text | XML | |||
Liebeseinsamkeit | Header | Text | XML | |||
Banshenchus sunn | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
On the Ghost of Mac Maguire | Header | Text | XML | |||
A Rule of Clerical Life | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
An Old Irish Treatise on the Psalter | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Quatrains on Beltaine, &c. | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Erchoitmed ingine Gulidi | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
The Dialogue between King Cormac and Fíthel | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Fragment of the story of Baile Binnbérlach | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
The Lebar Brecc Tractate on the Canonical Hours | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Poem by Gilbride MacNamee in Praise of Cathal O’Conor | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
A Portrait | Header | Text | XML | Header | Text | XML |
Imchlód Aingel | Header | Text | XML | |||
Merugud Cléirech Choluim Chille | Header | Text | XML |
Title | Original Text | Translation | ||||
Sanas Cormaic ![]() |
Header | Text | XML |
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